A snapshot of the industry
Regional Film Offices (RFOs) are what are referred to internationally as “film offices” or “film commissions”. Broadly speaking, they carry out activities alongside and in partnership with other stakeholders to stimulate economic growth for their region through screen production attraction and marketing (Attraction), sector development initiatives for businesses and the internal sector (Sector Development) and policy development, screen facilitation and permitting (Open for Business). RFOs successfully facilitate the relationship between the screen sector, government, community and others impacted or benefited by its activity.
Regional Film Offices of New Zealand (RFONZ) helps to make filming happen, wherever you want to shoot in New Zealand.
RFONZ is a network of film offices across New Zealand, all of which help with locations, film permits and other business support. As the industry association, RFONZ ensures the regional film offices are coordinated in the activities they collaborate together on and works to grow New Zealand’s screen industry.
Each regional film office helps to stimulate economic growth in their region by:
attracting screen productions
working on initiatives to develop the local sector, and
developing policy and permits to make the business of filming easy.

Screen Canterbury NZ is the screen office for the Canterbury region and is a business unit of ChristhcurchNZ.
Contact: Screen CanterburyNZ Manager, Petrina D’Rozario
P: 03 3795575
M: 021 0913 7609
E: Petrina.Drozario@christchurchnz.com
PO Box 2962, Christchurch, BNZ Centre, Level 3, 101 Cashel Street, Christchurch 8011
W: https://www.christchurchnz.com/screen-canterburynz
Screen Auckland is the screen office for the Auckland region and is a business unit of Tātaki Auckland Unlimited Limited
Screen Auckland’s five major roles are:
Attraction, business development and marketing related to Auckland as an international film destination.
Facilitating information for the screen industry.
Advocacy and policy development
Capability, capacity and infrastructure needs assessment and targeted intervention
Level 7, 167b Victoria St West, Auckland 1010
PO Box 5561, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141
P: +64 9 365 0500
E: screen@aucklandnz.com
W: www.screenauckland.com

Venture Taranaki is the Regional Film Office for the wider Taranaki region, on the North Island’s west coast, and is connected to all facets of business and creativity in the area.
Initial location scouting and access
Logistical guidance and support
Connections to businesses and services throughout the region
Assistance with local permitting processes
Assistance with co-financing
Access to the unique ‘Team Taranaki’ approach to open doors throughout the region.
Brylee Flutey
GM Destination
M: 021 221 6814
E: brylee@venture.org.nz
W: venture.org.nz
Film Bay of Plenty vision is to serve the local region by acting as an economic development facilitator.
The Bay of Plenty Region is defined as an area covered by the Tauranga, Rotorua, Western Bay of Plenty, Whakatāne, Kawerau, Taupo and Ōpōtiki districts. Film Bay of Plenty is funded by the councils of the district, TECT and Baytrust.
Film Bay of Plentys role is to:
Marketing our points of difference nationally and internationally to attract productions of scale to the Bay
Facilitating and connecting productions with the people places and infrastructure of the Bay
Growing the local screen media industry through workshops and encouraging local productions
Developing a robust facilitation package and encouraging film friendly policies across the region
Film Bay of Plenty Regional Office
P.O. Box 13521, Tauranga Central, 3141
P: +64 21 326 502

Screen Wellington, a program of WREDA (Wellington Regional Economic Development Agency – funded by both Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council), is charged with – supporting the Wellington screen industry, promoting and supporting sustainability and growth, facilitation and permits, advocacy, and market connect. Screen Wellington’s key deliverable areas are:
Open for Business (facilitation and permitting)
Screen industry project and/ or business attraction and market connection
Sector and talent Development including advocacy.
General Manager
Nicci Boucher
Screen Wellington
M: 021 520 061
E: nicci.boucher@wellingtonnz.com
W: www.screenwellington.com
Marlborough District Council
Economic Development Portfolio Advisor,
15 Seymour Street
P O Box 443
Blenheim 7240
Contact: Dorien Vermaas
P: 021 645482; DDI: 03 520 7415
E: dorien.vermaas@marlborough.govt.nz

Dunedin Film is the Regional Film Office for Dunedin City Council and part of the Enterprise Dunedin group. We are also a member and funder of Film Otago Southland.
We collaborate on projects and share services with Film Otago Southland while also providing expertise and knowledge specific to Dunedin as follows:
Advice and support to projects e.g. locations and logistical support
Red Carpet service to issue permits
Business advice and support to local business
Project development and relationship leveraging our Sister City relationship with Shanghai through Shanghai Art Film Federation and Shanghai Media Group
Antony Deaker, Film Dunedin Coordinator
50 The Octagon, Dunedin;
P O Box 5045, Moray Place, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand
Telephone: 03 474 3585
Mobile: 0275 896 643
Email: Antony.Deaker@dcc.govt.nz
Film Otago Southland is a regional film office, providing information and support for film productions in the Otago and Southland region of New Zealand’s South Island. It’s funded by Queenstown Lakes District Council, Central Otago District Council, Waitaki District Council, Great South, Southern Institute of Technology and Enterprise Dunedin.
As a film office, we help to:
• attract, facilitate and market screen productions
• develop the sector for regional business
• maximise opportunities for regional film professionals; and
• assist with policy development
Kahli Scott
Film Office Coordinator
74 Shotover Street, Queenstown 9300
P: 03 441 0475