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EDNZ Accreditation Opportunities

Keen to hone your skills as a specialised economic development practitioner? Whether you are interested in achieving your first ED qualification or extending your current qualifications, the AcED training suite is for you.


Commencing 2024 EDNZ is proud to be presenting a range of accreditation opportunities (some in conjunction with Economic Development Australia). You can choose to either graze the many training courses without pursuing the AcED or achieve the AcED through specific courses.  

Commencing 2024, the following training opportunities are available:

101 - Level One - introduction to ED (white badge)

201 - Level Two - diving deeper into ED (silver badge)

301 - Level Three - Masters Applied Programme (gold badge). Note the 301 will be launched in 2025.

To undertake the Masters Applied Programme, an individual needs to complete levels 101 and 201*.

* Individuals who graduated up until 31 Oct 2023, are now formally recognised as a 101 AcED. You are automatically eligible to undertake the 201 training.


Interested in earning the 101, 201 or 301 AcED designation?


LEVEL101 - white badge

Welcome to an Introduction to Economic Development. These courses provide an introduction to the theories and practice of economic development. Learners are required to take a minimum of six one day online courses (run over two days) to achieve the AcED 101.  Four of those are core competency courses and two are electives.  You can take all six in one year or stagger them over two years, the choice is yours.

Core Competency Courses 

These courses are all required:


  • Introduction to Economic Development

  • Introduction to Regional Economic Development

  • Entrepreneurship-led Economic Development (Business Growth)

  • Introduction to Te ao Māori and Māori Economic Development

Elective Courses 

AcED learners are required to take a minimum of two elective courses to achieve the AcED 101.  

Below is a taste of the sort of elective courses you can choose from:


  • Destination Management 101

  • Economic Gardening

  • Stakeholder Engagement 

  • Introduction to Cluster Development

  • Economic Development for elected representative

  • Full conference attendance

  • Congress participation (online)

  • NB. there are new elective courses added throughout the year so be sure to keep an eye open for the latest. 

101 fees for 2024 are $350 + GST member, $450 + GST non-member per course (delivered online)

LEVEL 201 – silver badge


201 in-person courses are designed to delve deeper into contemporary and critical knowledge and practices in economic development. They will challenge practitioners to reflect on their own practices, to adapt and innovate, and to share and build knowledge within their agencies, regions and sectors. An individual must complete a minimum of four courses to receive their 201 AcED.


Choose four from the following:

  • Innovation (includes smart specialisation)

  • 201 Māori Economic Development

  • Contemporary Issues in Economic Development

  • Sustainable Economic Development

  • Investment and Business Attraction

  • Managing/Leading Economic Development Organisations (including strategic planning)

201 fees for 2024 are $550 + GST member, $650 + GST non-member per course (in-person, includes course materials and catering)



The 301 level project is designed to allow practitioners to achieve mastery in their profession. This will be a yearlong co-learning opportunity where the practitioner will work with their employer or colleague/s and an EDNZ facilitator to provide an applied piece of work that demonstrates mastery in the profession. This will provide a transportable Gold Level recognition from EDNZ. 

Level 301 will be available in 2025. Further details will be provided in 2024.

In-house and online delivery 

EDNZ will come to you!  If your organisation has 14 or more team members or learners from partner organisations who wish to engage in a course EDNZ will bring the course to you.  Alternatively, an even more cost-effective option is to take up the online delivery option. 


Please email the team at if you wish to discuss either option.

Once courses are completed

When you have completed all six 101 courses or four 201 courses, you are invited to submit a paper (details will be provided on request) and attend an online interview with our Learning Facilitators.  (You can keep track of the courses you have attended via your EDNZ membership account in Gecco).

The 101 Accreditation process:

  1. Complete the required number of training programmes.

  2. Complete a reflective paper on learnings from the programme.

  3. Complete an interview with CPD professional development sub-committee members expanding on the reflective paper.

  4. Assessment of interview scored against four criteria and five questions. (Each is scored out of 5 for a total potential score of 25. A minimum of 15 points is required).

    1. How did the training / learning change the way you think about ED and your role?

    2. How will application of the new knowledge change the way you approach your role - past / current and future application of the knowledge?

    3. How has your perspective changed in the way you approach your role – current and future activity?

    4. What further Personal Development activity will you pursue and why?

  5. Peer review of scoring by EDNZ Board to complete the assessment process.

201 Accreditation process to be confirmed in 2024.

Once you have earned the AcED designation, you can proudly display your achievement with a pin and your certificate of completion. 

A graduation ceremony for all those who have completed the levels is held as part of the annual conference.

Maintaining your AcED


The AcED aims to provide continuing professional development. Maintaining your AcED is an important way to boost visibility of your organisation and maintain your marketability within the profession.

101 AcED graduates are required to either progress to the 201 AcED or attend at least two EDNZ based professional development events each year.
The annual economic development conference counts as two events should you choose this as your way to maintain your accreditation. It is important to meet the re-accreditation criteria in order to keep your accreditation current.

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Economy NZ Planning team

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